Charlie Liebert, Christian

Educator, Author, Publisher

Christian Books, Publication Services, and Classical Christian Education

All About Charlie

I’m Charlie Liebert your host and creator of this site. I became a Christian at 35 after being a “hard-core” Atheist for more than 15 years. He earned a BS in Chemistry from Fairleigh Dickenson University, 1967 and an MBA in marketing at Iona College Graduate Division, 1982. My conversion to Jesus Christ was sudden, dramatic, and unexpected. I have shared my testimony in schools, churches, civic clubs, Bible studies, CBMC, etc. For more details of my life journey read my biography, my diverse jobs and careers, and my testimony. You can teach Christian evangelism in your church, school, or other group based on my book: “Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!” which has a 12-session workbook and a short course. Interested? Look at these videos to get to know Charlie.

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God’s Wake-Up Call

God’s Wake-Up Call

Blog 2018 05.  Several times personal health events caused major changes in life priorities because I realized, again my life is just a vapor. Each time I would commit to spend as much time as possible on eternal things. Almost 40 years after becoming a...

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Charlie becomes a published author!

Charlie becomes a published author!

Blog 2015 01.    At age 70, in 2012, I was teaching a Christian Business Men’s group a series of lessons on personal evangelism.  Week after week I heard a common refrain, “I don’t share the Gospel because of all questions I can’t answer that my...

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