
Charlie becomes a published author!

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Author, Charlie Liebert | 0 comments

Blog 2015 01.    At age 70, in 2012, I was teaching a Christian Business Men’s group a series of lessons on personal evangelism.  Week after week I heard a common refrain, “I don’t share the Gospel because of all questions I can’t answer that my unbelieving friends and family ask me.”  Jesus was often asked questions and he frequently answered them with another question to expose the questioners’ motives and presuppositions.  He was using a strategy anyone could use to get to the Gospel without first directly answering the questions.  Since I’ve taught college Business subjects for the last 12 years, I developed a series of lesson plans to teach from.  I.  After I finished teaching each lesson some of the men asked if I would give them the plans so they could share these concepts with other believers.  As I shared this experience with one of my spiritual mentors Bob said, “Why don’t you write a book explaining this concept?  I took this as a call to work and I began to put Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! together.  It took a lot of Bible study to fully develop this concept of effective personal evangelism. As I did I realized just how much Jesus used this approach in dealing with the Pharisees, the rich young ruler and many others.  After I’d completed an outline and several chapters I was discussing this concept with another Christian brother and he said, ” . . . but eventually you need to answer their question.”  I agreed and the second call for me to write came to write ANSWERS for: “The Hope That Is In You”.

I became a Christian at 35 and by the time I was 40 was doing ministry related to creation, science and the Bible.  I worked for Answers in Genesis for a short time in those early years.  In the mid-1980s I set up a web page that allowed readers to ask questions that I would then answer.  After more than 20 years of Q and A I developed answers to over 100 common questions the world asks Christians.  So, my second book began.  As I wrote answering over 100 questions, I added analysis of the differences between Biblical Creation and Atheistic Evolution.  Both of these books went live in mid-2015

As I read ANSWERS during one of the proof steps I realized I’d been critical of Evolution but I really hadn’t made a strong case against it.  So, book three was written, Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s DEAD! describing the three miracles that make Atheistic Evolution IMPOSSIBLE. The three miracles are: Magic, something coming into being from nothing, Frankenstein, living organisms coming from dead chemicals and Uphill Molasses, the uphill flow of the ever-increasing complexity of Evolution in a Universe that is running down. 


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