
Liebert Annals in Deutschland: Our German Family History” (Liebert Family History)

Liebert Annals in Deutschland: Our German Family History” (Liebert Family History)

For “Liebert Annals in Deutschland, Our German Family History” I’ve compiled the three stories I’ve written about my family’s German roots that are available in Kindle. Also included is family history not previously published, received from my grandmother, Helene, my father Joachim (Joe) and my aunts Rosemarie, and Eva. Where necessary, I’ve added details from my imagination. Although this history is based on real events the book is creative historical nonfiction because some of the details are fabricated.

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Tales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, & a Jew (Liebert Family History)

Tales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, & a Jew (Liebert Family History)

For“Tales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, a Curse, a Ghost and a Jew”  I’ve edited my published family history, “Liebert Annals in Deutschland, Our German Family History.”  by removing specific details that are of little to no interest to non-family.  Included are three stories about our German roots that were published on Kindle. Where necessary, I’ve created details to provide continuity to the plots. This book is based on real events and classified creative historical nonfiction containing these five stories. Helene at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for...

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Charlie’s Dash!: My Stories in 82+ Years

Charlie’s Dash!: My Stories in 82+ Years

Welcome to Charlie Liebert’s autobiography. Charlie grew up in the small town of Amityville, Long Island, NY, and lived in the New York/New Jersey region until 1973, When he, with his wife Terry, and their two young children, Keith and Melanie, relocated to Greensboro, NC. They lived in Greensboro for 41 years before moving to Carlisle, PA in 2016. The time in Greensboro was broken by 2 ½ years in Mauldin, SC, near Greenville, SC, from 1978-81

In early 2012, Charlie Liebert began his 14th career as an Author and, beginning in 2014, his 15th as an Independent Publisher. By 2024, he had published more than 40 books, 22 of which were his own writing and 19 by 24 other authors. His work includes books in Christian nonfiction, Secular fiction, and Creative Historical Nonfiction.

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Liebert Annals in Deutschland: Felix, Helene & #21 Garten Strasse (Liebert Family History)

Liebert Annals in Deutschland: Felix, Helene & #21 Garten Strasse (Liebert Family History)

“Liebert Annals in Deutschland” Volume 1 “Felix, Helene & 21 Garten Strasse” contains two stories I’ve written about my family’s German roots that are on Kindle.1) Helene at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for Girls.2) The Curse of the Witch of Zahlendorf.Also included is family history not previously published, received from my grandmother, Helene, my father Joachim (Joe) and my aunts Rosemarie, and Eva. Where necessary, I’ve created details. Although this history is based on real events the book is creative historical nonfiction. Starting my sophomore year of high school, I was taking a...

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Rosemarie, Kristallnacht Transformation

Rosemarie, Kristallnacht Transformation

This is the amazing story of how my Jewish aunt survived the Holocaust in Germany titled Rosemarie Liebert was twice a Jew.  She was the daughter of a Jew and she was married to a Jew.  It’s Berlin, Germany, November 12, 1938, the day after Kristallnacht.  Her uncle’s Jewelry store has been looted.  All 19 members of her three uncle’s families disappeared.  She knew now she had to find a way to hide.  The “escape bag” could save her letting her become her dead cousin Olga.   Olga died in Africa with no record of her death in Germany.  This is the...

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Helene [Hel-lain-a] at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for Girls

Helene [Hel-lain-a] at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for Girls

Helene [Hel-lain-a] at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for Girls. My grandmother’s adventures as a 16 to18-year-old at an all-girls school for aristocrats in 1900 northern Italy.  Included in books 1) Liebert Annals in Deutschland, Our Complete German History. And 2) Tales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, a Curse, a Ghost and a Jew. Helene was 15, living with her family in Berlin. Her great-grandfather, a high-ranking aristocrat left France in 1788 and moved with the family’s wealth to Germany. They had lived in Berlin ever since. In late 1897 her world was...

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The Curse of the Witch of Zahlendorf: Der Fluch der Hexe von Zahlendorf (Liebert Family History)

The Curse of the Witch of Zahlendorf: Der Fluch der Hexe von Zahlendorf (Liebert Family History)

The maids in the Liebert household told the folk tale: “At the back of the cemetery by the lake is the grave of the witch of Zahlendorf where she waits for anyone to come near the stone marked Hexe.” As they said the word Hexe, they would frown and bring their faces very close to the children’s faces to frighten them. They continue: “She was a very great witch and would often kidnap children to sacrifice them in their weekly Black Masses. Children that live here must be very careful when they go out at night not to see her as she wanders Zahlendorf looking for children to take away. The most...

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Yellowstone’s Child, Screen Play (Yellowstone’s Child Reading Options) Paperback 

Yellowstone’s Child, Screen Play (Yellowstone’s Child Reading Options) Paperback 

This screenplay is adapted from the novel Yellowstone’s Child, by Charles W. Liebert, Copyright 2015. This screenplay contains only the basic storyline which is about one-quarter of the novel’s complete content and does not contain the seven stories of her 6th through 12th-grade experiences in school at VPSG (Ventura Private School for Girls.) I may not be performed in any media: stage, screen, electronic, etc. without the payment of a royalty and WRITTEN consent from the Author. Yellowstone’s Child’s main theme is personal identity, how one answers the question, “Who am I?” The story begins...

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Yellowstone’s Child, Screen Play (Yellowstone’s Child Reading Options) Paperback 

Yellowstone’s Child, Screen Play (Yellowstone’s Child Reading Options)

This screenplay is adapted from the novel Yellowstone’s Child, by Charles W. Liebert, Copyright 2015. This screenplay contains only the basic storyline which is about one-quarter of the novel’s complete content and does not contain the seven stories of her 6th through 12th-grade experiences in school at VPSG (Ventura Private School for Girls.) I may not be performed in any media: stage, screen, electronic, etc. without the payment of a royalty and WRITTEN consent from the Author. Yellowstone’s Child’s main theme is personal identity, how one answers the question, “Who am I?” The story begins...

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The Memory Tree – A Christmas Story

The Memory Tree – A Christmas Story

Can a Christmas tree planted in memory of Ruth and Barry’s grandfather speak to their father Harry? Harry’s been bitter for years about the death of his wife Charlotte on Christmas years before. He asks, “How could a God that loves us let Charlotte die?” He never got an answer he could accept until he told the story about the tree. "Why did one have to die for the other to live?" He asked the children, unsure himself of the answer. All the bitterness of all the years seemed to come back suddenly and he began to feel tears well up in his eyes."That's what Charlotte said, 'He had to die to...

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One Android, 399 lives: 59th Street Terrorist Attack Kills 399

One Android, 399 lives: 59th Street Terrorist Attack Kills 399

The events of 9/11/2001 changed our perception of US vulnerability to terrorist attacks. The attack in San Bernardino that killed 14 and injured 22 is another example to heighten our alertness. These attacks raise our awareness of every person’s vulnerability to sudden unexpected death. This story tells of an attack planned and executed by Islamic terrorists in New York using an airplane much like 9/11. The uncertainty of life in the 21st century has, by 2106, become the norm with terrorist attacks, accidents and disease making our daily existence uncertain at best. Life has always been...

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Suicides Aftermath: Three Griefs More!  Christian Parents’ Compound Grief for a Loved One’s  Suicide

Suicides Aftermath: Three Griefs More!  Christian Parents’ Compound Grief for a Loved One’s  Suicide

Charlie & Terry Liebert both became Christians at mid-life in their 30s.  Now 80 and 75, after 53 years of marriage, they face their greatest life tragedy, the unexpected suicide death of a dear loved one.  Journey together with them as they agonize through three more levels of grief. We grieve a person’s death because we know, deep inside ourselves, that death is NOT the way God intended the Universe to work.  No matter what the direct cause of anyone’s death is, sorrow immediately envelops the survivors, and they begin to grieve that person’s passing.  That is normal grief.  In this...

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After Disaster! Job’s Choice!  Flee FROM God OR Flee TO God

After Disaster! Job’s Choice!  Flee FROM God OR Flee TO God

When our son died by suicide on March 10, 2022, Terry and I were faced with the greatest tragedy of our lives as Christians. Today, we have already written a book dealing with our grief for that death in Suicide’s Aftermath: Three Griefs More! Christian Couple’s Compounded Grief for a Loved One’s Suicide. In retrospect, now 1 ½ years after his death, I feel the need to further counsel Christians on how to deal with any other sudden disasters that attack their faith. Charlie is going further into the decision process involved in a crisis of faith. Soon after finishing the first...

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Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

A Former Atheist’s Personal Christian Evangelism Plan.” Christian, do the “hard” questions you’re asked stop you from being effective for Christ? Here’s a personal Christian evangelism strategy that will transform you into a fearless evangelist! Readers comments 1) “Just the chapter on “Take Their Spiritual Temperatures” makes this book worth getting! I love hitting my non-Christian friends and family in their presuppositions.” 2) “Using the principles of personal evangelism outlined in Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! has dramatically improved my witnessing. I wish I had it 20 years ago.”...

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12 Lesson Study Guide for Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

12 Lesson Study Guide for Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

This study guide is designed to be used with the book “Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!”  (cited above) to teach an effective method of Christian personal evangelism.  It consists of 12 lessons of 60 to 90 minutes that include reading and homework assignments, role-playing, group discussions. preparing your testimony, etc.  Session goals are listed at the beginning of each lesson. Leadership instructions are printed in bold print. Italicized and underlined to separate them from the class material.  At the end of each lesson are a printed summary and...

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Charlie’s Short Course in Evangelism

Charlie’s Short Course in Evangelism

This booklet is a supplement to my book  Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! used to teach that book’s evangelism plan. It can also be used independently. Churches have bought multiple copies to supplement their evangelism training.  It includes dialogues to witness to targeted audiences: Atheists/Humanists, Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.  I wrote Always because I saw many of my Christian friends unwilling or unable to bring the Gospel to the unbelievers they encountered every day. Why were they so hesitant? When I asked them, the most frequent answer was...

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ANSWERS for: “The Hope That Is In You”

ANSWERS for: “The Hope That Is In You”

The purpose of this book is: 1) to provide direct and simple answers to the most common questions unbelievers ask Christians, and 2) to enable believers to develop a deep understanding of the nature of the spiritual warfare that rages around the question of origins, biblical creation, vs. Darwinian evolution. My first book, Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!, enables Christians to impact their everyday world with the gospel of Jesus Christ by developing a powerful personal Christian evangelism strategy. Most Christians don't talk about their faith with the unbelievers they encounter every...

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Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!

Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!

In bearing testimony for Christ, I’m often asked: “Do you believe in Evolution?” I answer: “No I don’t!” Then, I get responses like: “Why not, it’s proven by science?” OR “The evidence for it is overwhelming!”  In “Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!”, I am taking a hard-nosed position to ALL who will listen; “Atheistic Evolution is scientifically impossible because it breaks three scientific LAWS.”  Evolution is NOT science; it’s a faith statement about the past!  The missing links between apes and men are ALL still missing,  There are some creatures whose behavior,...

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My Children’s Christian Education, What Should I Do?: A Christian Educator’s Analysis & Advice

My Children’s Christian Education, What Should I Do?: A Christian Educator’s Analysis & Advice

A Christian parent's primary responsibility to their children is to educate them in God's Word. My purpose is to help Christian parents understand the state of education in the US today and help them make the right decisions for their children.  I’ll show the Biblical Mandate to educate your children and give you an organized method to implement it by explaining ALL the educational options available in the US today. You know your own family situation so you must choose which of the options is best to educate your children.One of the most serious problems Christian parents face in the US...

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Charlie’s Christian Apologetic’s Blogs

Charlie’s Christian Apologetic’s Blogs

Beginning in 2015, for three years, I have written a weekly Blog about many different aspects of my Christian faith including apologetics, evangelism, education and the controversy about Creation vs. Evolution. I‘ve also written and published five Christian books and two study guides. This book contains more than 100 weekly blogs that are organized by my previously published books 1) Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  A Former Atheist’s Personal Christian Evangelism Plan.  1a) 12 Lesson Study Guide for Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  Group study, mentoring or...

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Roman Centurions’ Stories

Roman Centurions’ Stories

This book is a work of Creative Historical Non-Fiction.  Events of Jesus’ life are historically accurate, quoted directly, without revision, from the World English Version (Public Domain). The Centurions stories are fictional, embellished with details to enhance readability, and created as a vehicle to tell of Jesus’ life.This book is made as a tool for personal evangelism for family, friends, and acquaintances.  The Centurion pictures are the author dressed to role play Greek-born Senior Centurion Karis Keynay Populous.  I originally wrote the Senior Centurion Karis monologue...

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God’s Created Creatures Wreck Evolution: A Teaching Guide for Biblical Creation

God’s Created Creatures Wreck Evolution: A Teaching Guide for Biblical Creation

Teaching our young children why the Bible is correct in declaring God’s creation of everything in six days is an essential truth we must teach them. They are bombarded on every side by Evolution taught and accepted as “fact.” This resource provides examples from the natural world to counter the arguments for Evolution. We’ll cover complex design and behavior including many examples that show Evolution’s fallacy. The book is divided into four Chapters: 1. Biology, 2) Day 5 the SEA, 3) Day 5 the AIR, and 4) Day 6 the LAND. Each chapter contains detailed examples of Evolution’s failure to...

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Atheism is an Oxymoron: To say, “There is NO God!” is to Claim Omniscience

Atheism is an Oxymoron: To say, “There is NO God!” is to Claim Omniscience

This book reveals the worldview of Atheism as a true OXYMORON because, as a worldview, it is self-contradictory, illogical, makes impossible claims, and violates at least three scientific laws. When you finish this book, you will be convinced that Atheism is an untenable worldview that would be both illogical and foolish to hold. If you still want to deny God, then the best you can be is an Agnostic.

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