ANSWERS for: “The Hope That Is In You”

The purpose of this book is: 1) to provide direct and simple answers to the most common questions unbelievers ask Christians, and 2) to enable believers to develop a deep understanding of the nature of the spiritual warfare that rages around the question of origins, biblical creation, vs. Darwinian evolution.

My first book, Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!, enables Christians to impact their everyday world with the gospel of Jesus Christ by developing a powerful personal Christian evangelism strategy. Most Christians don’t talk about their faith with the unbelievers they encounter every day. They fear they can’t answer the hard questions unbelievers ask them. They are paralyzed by this fear and don’t share the gospel. Using the strategy in my companion book, you will overcome this fear and witness effectively. Since part of that strategy was postponing answering the hard questions, we offer now, in this book, direct and simple answers to a lot of those questions.

The second half of this book is an in-depth study of the origins debate, including science, culture, the critique of the three viable origins models, and the two most important implications of evolution-the value of human life and racism’s evolution connection.

Summary Table of Contents

  • PART 1 ANSWERS to the Hard Questions
  • Chapter 1 Challenge Questions from Unbelievers
  • Chapter 2 Science: Astronomy and Physics, Biology, Geology and Scientific Laws vs. Evolution
  • Chapter 3 Questions about the Bible
  • Chapter 4 Origins: Creation & Evolution Questions
  • Chapter 5 History and Culture
  • Chapter 6 Dinosaurs
  • Chapter 7 Noah’s Flood
  • Part 2 The Origins Debate
  • Chapter 8 Science and the Past
  • Chapter 9 Cultural Context
  • Chapter 10 Creation
  • Chapter 11 Evolution
  • Chapter 12 Living Organisms
  • Chapter 13 Implications of Evolution: The Value of Human Life and Racism’s Evolution Connection

Readers Comments

“I thought science questions always had to have long technical answers.  Boy, was I wrong!”

“For years I’ve stumbled on some of these unbelievers questions.  Now, I carry ANSWERS… with me all the time to challenge the skeptics I encounter.  Thanks, Charlie for all the simple answers!”

“The second part of the book on the Origins debate really helped me firm up my belief in Young Earth Creation.  I’m really laying it on some of my Old Earth and Theistic Evolution friends in my church.  I’d like more ammunition against evolution to counter my children’s public school science teacher.”  Authors note:  I’m working on the third book to show the impossibility of Evolution.  Charlie Liebert.

“Your chapter on the value of human life helped me prepare a presentation for our Pregnancy Care Center.”

“It’s about time someone called out Planned Parenthood for their racist roots.  As a Black American I was shocked at how many more of us are being murdered than other ethnic groups in the US.”