12 Lesson Study Guide for Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

This study guide is designed to be used with the book “Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!”  (cited above) to teach an effective method of Christian personal evangelism.  It consists of 12 lessons of 60 to 90 minutes that include reading and homework assignments, role-playing, group discussions. preparing your testimony, etc.  Session goals are listed at the beginning of each lesson. Leadership instructions are printed in bold print. Italicized and underlined to separate them from the class material.  At the end of each lesson are a printed summary and a homework assignment for the next week marked “Handout”  The Instructor will prepare for class by printing all relevant materials including enough lesson summaries, dialogues, etc. for each student.  Carefully review ALL the tasks for the lesson before you teach them.  May the LORD bless your teaching. 

Course Outline.  This course is designed in twelve lessons of 60 minutes each. 

  • Part 1 Foundations
  •          Lesson 1 Introduction to YOUR Personal Evangelism Plan
  •          Lesson 2 Christian Apologetics
  •          Lesson 3 Presupposition Foundations
  • Part 2 Developing Your Personal Evangelism Strategy
  •          Lesson 4 Taking Spiritual Temperature – Introduction & COLD
  •          Lesson 5 Taking Spiritual Temperature – LUKEWARM & HOT
  •          Lesson 6 Developing Your Testimony
  •          Lesson 7 Closure (Bringing One into a Relationship with Jesus).
  • Part 3 Implementation
  •          Lesson 8 Biblical Christianity’s Uniqueness
  •          Lesson 9 Biblical Support
  •          Lesson 10 Apostles Evangelism Encounters
  •          Lesson 11 Evangelism Strategy & Testimonies
  •          Lesson 12 Conclusion