After Disaster! Job’s Choice!  Flee FROM God OR Flee TO God

When our son died by suicide on March 10, 2022, Terry and I were faced with the greatest tragedy of our lives as Christians. Today, we have already written a book dealing with our grief for that death in Suicide’s Aftermath: Three Griefs More! Christian Couple’s Compounded Grief for a Loved One’s Suicide. In retrospect, now 1 ½ years after his death, I feel the need to further counsel Christians on how to deal with any other sudden disasters that attack their faith. Charlie is going further into the decision process involved in a crisis of faith. Soon after finishing the first book, Charlie recognized that many circumstances, in addition to death, can cause a crisis of faith. Such as divorce, broken relationships, family conflict, financial failure, emotional collapse, mental breakdown, and the list goes on. I hope to help Christians understand the crossroads of Job’s. choice and show that the only rational decision is to flee to God in time of trial. I seek to strengthen your faith when you flee to God in those darkest times.

Job’s Choice; Flee from God. Job 2:9. “Then his (Job’s) wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” Today, we could say, “Give up your faith and go kill yourself.”

Job’s Choice; Flee to God/Jesus/HS. Job 2:10. “But he (Job) said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” Today, we could say; “Keep your faith and live ‘in Christ,’ in the bad times.”My story is quite simple yet profound. In the first days, immediately following my son’s death by suicide, I sat on the edge of my bed in the middle of the night and wept. I made the decision to flee to God, so I started reading Psalms when I awoke. From this struggle came my music therapy. , Now, Christian! Flee to God as you make Job’s choice.