One Android, 399 lives: 59th Street Terrorist Attack Kills 399

The events of 9/11/2001 changed our perception of US vulnerability to terrorist attacks. The attack in San Bernardino that killed 14 and injured 22 is another example to heighten our alertness. These attacks raise our awareness of every person’s vulnerability to sudden unexpected death. This story tells of an attack planned and executed by Islamic terrorists in New York using an airplane much like 9/11. The uncertainty of life in the 21st century has, by 2106, become the norm with terrorist attacks, accidents and disease making our daily existence uncertain at best. Life has always been uncertain, but since 9/11 many in the US has felt more insecure than any time in their lifetime. No one knows when or how he or she will die. If we knew the date of our death we’d probably start every day paranoid. We begin each day as if it today will NOT be our last. As a Christian, I observe, the question the world ignores most is: “Is today my last day?” That question, can be effective in awakening a person to the Gospel. The author of this fictional work is Charlie Liebert. He has published two other Kindle short stories: “The Memory Tree”, a Christmas story and “Helene” a biographical sketch of his paternal grandmother when she was 16 in 1900 Italy. Charlie has also published two books in the Christian genre: Always Be Ready to Give an Answer! which presents a personal Christian evangelism strategy used to get to the Gospel before answering those “hard” questions people ask Christians. The second book, ANSWERS for “The Hope That Is In You”, gives direct, simple answers to the world’s “hard” questions, answering more than 100 of the questions Christians are often asked