About Charlie Liebert

All About Charlie

Charlie Liebert grew up in Amityville; Long Island lived in the New York / New Jersey area until 1973, when he, his wife Terry, and their two children, Keith and Melanie relocated to Greensboro, NC. After high school graduation in Amityville, in 1959, he received an AAS degree in Chemical Technology from the State University of New York at Farmingdale.

From 1961 to 1967 he worked for Lever Brothers Company in their Research and Development Division doing laundry detergent application research, development, and product testing. In 1967, Charlie earned a BS in Chemistry from Fairleigh Dickenson University (Teaneck, NJ),

In 1967 he joined Geigy Chemical Corporation (which became CIBA-Geigy in 1970) advancing from laboratory technician to manager. In 1972 he received an MBA in Marketing from the Graduate Division of Iona College (New Rochelle, NY). In 1973, he moved from the research laboratory to the marketing department, where management responsibilities included; market research, customer service, order processing, transportation, technology development, strategic planning, systems design, and budgeting. He retired in November 1994 at age 53


Charlie’s published numerous articles and editorials in both local and national publications. In 1984 he wrote a booklet about the decline of American public education, titled: The Subversion of the INNOCENTS: What Happened to Our Schools. Charlie has made over 400 presentations to groups such as the NC Governor’s School, civic clubs (Kiwanis, Civitan, Rotary and many others), PTAs and public and private schools. He’s conducted half-day workshops for homeschool students called “Creation, Dinosaurs, and thE Flood.” For several years he was on call to lead workshops and seminars for “Answers in Genesis” (Ken Ham’s ministry).

Terry, his wife, worked for Weight Watchers in North Carolina for 25 years until they moved to Carlisle Pennsylvania in 2016. Both their children graduated high school from Wesleyan Education Center in High Point, NC. Keith is in the Utah National Guard. Melanie is married and a graduate in primary education from Messiah College in Grantham, PA. She taught second grade in a Christian school in Carlisle, PA and now teaches Kindergarten at that same school. Charlie and Terry have eight grandchildren, Keith, who lives in Utah with his wife Jennifer, has two sons and three step-daughters. Melanie and Mike, in Carlisle, have a daughter and two sons.

When Charlie became a Christian in 1977, he faced a severe intellectual dilemma. He had been taught evolution as a fact, yet when he read Genesis he saw, God created the world in six days a relatively short time ago. For three years, after his conversion, Charlie studied books by many “recent creationists” and became convinced that recent creation made a lot more sense than old age evolution. He says; “When you look at the science objectively recent Creation is much more viable than Evolution. I “evolved” from an Old Earth Atheistic Evolutionist to a Young Earth Creationist in about three years.”

In 1996 Charlie joined the board of Caldwell Classical Christian Academy in Greensboro and helped guide the school during its early years. In the academic year of 97-98, Charlie left the board to teach science and Bible in the Dialectic (Middle) school at Caldwell. In June of 1998, he began leading “Creation, Dinosaurs and thE Flood” workshops and seminars. In 1998 six half-hour television programs, filmed in 1997, featuring Charlie, were consolidated into two 90-minute videos and marketed worldwide by American Portrait Films. They are Creation Science with Charlie Liebertand Creation Geology with Charlie Liebert.

From January 1995 to December 2005, Charlie produced a television series from his workshops and seminars for Greensboro Community Television called “Creation Foundation Explanation.” As a result of the TV show, he became known in Greensboro as the “Creation Guy.” From August 1996 to June 1999 Charlie taught science programs for grades K through 6 at Caldwell Academy. Beginning in August 2004 Charlie began teaching at Davidson County Community College (DCCC), including Business Law, Study Skills, Introduction to Business, Principles of Management and other business-related courses. Today he continues to teach online classes for DCCC and also does occasional workshops and seminars related to science and the Bible.

In early 2014 Charlie began his career as an author. His first book “Always! Be ready! To give an ANSWER!” presents: A Former Atheists Personal Christian Evangelism Plan based on Jesus’ method of asking questions to answer challengers. This book equips Christians to become fearless evangelists for Christ.

During more than 30 years of asking and being asked questions in his programs and on his web page (https://www.sixdaycreation.com) he compiled short, simple answers to over 100 questions unbelievers ask Christians. This second book, “ANSWERS For: “The Hope That Is In You.” contains 106 answers to questions commonly asked by skeptics. It provides Direct Simple Christian Answers to the World’s “Hard” Questions.” Charlie analyzes the Origins debate, establishing the credibility of Young-Earth Creation and destroying the credibility of Atheistic, Theistic Evolution and Old Earth Creation!

The third book published in 2017, is “Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead! Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE.” because it violates three scientific laws: the 1st Law (Something from Nothing), 2nd Law (Entropy) and the Law of Biogenesis (Life from Dead Stuff).


Charlie’s Many Different Careers

I began my working life at 16, in 1957, when I went to work as a stock and clean up boy for McCrory-McLellan (a retailer called in those days a “Five and Dime Store”). I worked part-time for the time it took to finish high school in 1959 and complete my AAS degree at State University of New York (SUNY) at Farmingdale 1n 1961. In September 1961 I took a job at Lever Brothers R&D center in Edgewater New Jersey, left my parents home, and went out on my own. I worked at Lever as a laboratory technician and then a product-testing supervisor for the six years it took to get my BS in Chemistry at Fairleigh Dickenson University in Teaneck NJ. I worked 40 hours per week and went to college at night. After graduating, I changed jobs and companies to J.R. Geigy Chemical Company in Ardsley NY working as a research chemist. I married Terry Lee Perrone from West New York, New Jersey and we moved to Rockland County, NY. I soon realized if I wanted to get far with a career in chemistry I would have to get both a Masters and a Ph.D. I believed that was too much educational work so; I decided to change my educational direction from science to business and studied for an MBA in Marketing at Iona College’s Graduate Division of Business in New Rochelle, NY. When I got my masters, in June 1970, I was immediately assigned the job of coordinating the CIBA-Geigy Chemicals Division move from Ardsley, NY to Greensboro, North Carolina. The division and my family moved to Greensboro in late 1973. By this time Terry and I had two children, Keith born in 1970 and Melanie born in 1972. After the relocation finished, I was assigned a job as a Business Planner for the Dye and Chemicals Division of CIBA-Geigy Corp. In 1975 the company embarked on a major program to acquire companies to expand our division’s business. I was selected to lead this team as Acquisition Coordinator. During this acquisition program, we purchased two businesses and one product line. In March 1977 I became a Christian and later in the year later Terry also became a Christian. I was 35 years old. The story of my conversion to Christ from a hardcore Atheist is in my testimony in Appendix 2. When the acquisition program finished in 1978, I moved to Greenville, SC as Information Systems Director in one of the companies we had acquired. We returned to Greensboro, NC in 1980 and I became Manager of Customer Service. I managed Customer Service until 1988 when I became Manager of Business Planning. I took a retirement package from CIBA-Geigy in 1994. During my years with CG, at various times, I managed between 2 and 35 people. When working in acquisitions and customer service, I often flew 4 to 8 airplane flights a week. In 1990, while still working full time, I joined the board of Caldwell Academy, A Classical Christian School founded in 1988. After I had retired, in 1996, I resigned from the Caldwell board so I could teach Dialectic Science (Middle School) for one year. From 1996 until 1999 I led weekly science assembly programs at Caldwell. In 1997 I went to work for Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham’s ministry, for two years, leading programs with both children’s workshops and adult seminars. Starting in 1995 for almost a decade I produced a one-hour, weekly, public access TV show on Greensboro Community Television (GCTV) using footage shot from my seminars and workshops. Immediately after I retired in 1994, I began a single proprietorship business called Creation, Dinosaurs and thE Flood (CDEF). CDEF hosted workshops and seminars selling books and videos at these programs and 3-4 homeschool conventions each year. Credit card processing was a part of CDEF’s operations. CDEF also had a website https://www.sixdaycreation.comthat posted my GCTV videos and answered questions from web surfers. In 2001 I gave up selling books and sold only video products until 2011 when the business was liquidated. In August 2004 I began teaching business courses at Davidson County Community College including; Principles of Management, Introduction to Business, Business Law, Principles of Marketing, Study Skills, Student Success Strategies, and other business subjects. While at DCCC I worked with both BlackBoard and Moodle learning platforms. During my time at DCCC, I won 2 academic prizes for excellence in teaching, including a grant for $3,000. I began work as a fiction and non-fiction author in 2012.

Media Appearances and Interviews

A TV interview about Charlie’s first two Christian Apologetics books on Triad Alive 7/17/2015

Charlie answers the question; “Why did you become an Atheist as a young man and then later in life become a Christian?

Testimony at a Church Seminar in Ohio.

Promotional Video filmed in Battleground Park in Greensboro, NC