Christian Apologetics

Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!

A Former Atheist’s Personal Christian Evangelism Plan.” Christian, do the “hard” questions you’re asked stop you from being effective for Christ? Here’s a personal Christian evangelism strategy that will transform you into a fearless evangelist! Readers comments 1)...

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Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!

Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!

In bearing testimony for Christ, I’m often asked: “Do you believe in Evolution?” I answer: “No I don’t!” Then, I get responses like: “Why not, it’s proven by science?” OR “The evidence for it is overwhelming!”  In “Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!”, I am...

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Roman Centurions’ Stories

Roman Centurions’ Stories

This book is a work of Creative Historical Non-Fiction.  Events of Jesus’ life are historically accurate, quoted directly, without revision, from the World English Version (Public Domain). The Centurions stories are fictional, embellished with details to enhance...

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Atheism is an Oxymoron: To say, “There is NO God!” is to Claim Omniscience

Atheism is an Oxymoron: To say, “There is NO God!” is to Claim Omniscience

This book reveals the worldview of Atheism as a true OXYMORON because, as a worldview, it is self-contradictory, illogical, makes impossible claims, and violates at least three scientific laws. When you finish this book, you will be convinced that Atheism is an untenable worldview that would be both illogical and foolish to hold. If you still want to deny God, then the best you can be is an Agnostic.

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