Charlie’s Christian Apologetic’s Blogs

Beginning in 2015, for three years, I have written a weekly Blog about many different aspects of my Christian faith including apologetics, evangelism, education and the controversy about Creation vs. Evolution. I‘ve also written and published five Christian books and two study guides. This book contains more than 100 weekly blogs that are organized by my previously published books

1) Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  A Former Atheist’s Personal Christian Evangelism Plan. 

1a) 12 Lesson Study Guide for Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  Group study, mentoring or personal preparation.

1b) Charlie’s Short Course in Evangelism.  Two-hour course based on Always be Ready to Give an  Answer!

2) ANSWERS For “The Hope That Is in You.  Direct, Simple Answers to the World’s “Hard” Questions”

3) Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!  Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE.

4) My Children’s Christian Education, What Should I Do?  A Christian Educators Analysis and Advice.

5) God’s Created Creatures Wreck Evolution.  A Teaching Guide for Biblical Creation