God’s Created Creatures Wreck Evolution: A Teaching Guide for Biblical Creation

Teaching our young children why the Bible is correct in declaring God’s creation of everything in six days is an essential truth we must teach them. They are bombarded on every side by Evolution taught and accepted as “fact.” This resource provides examples from the natural world to counter the arguments for Evolution. We’ll cover complex design and behavior including many examples that show Evolution’s fallacy. The book is divided into four Chapters: 1. Biology, 2) Day 5 the SEA, 3) Day 5 the AIR, and 4) Day 6 the LAND. Each chapter contains detailed examples of Evolution’s failure to explain nature’s creatures, their design and behaviors.From all my teaching and writing I developed many lessons using living creatures to show how Creation scientifically defeats Evolution. I’ve provided these four books to teach teens and adults and now, in this book I’ve created a teaching tool for Christian educators and parents that use examples from the natural world to teach the flaws of Evolution to younger children. I’ll keep the most of the language simple and use a lot of pictures to make teaching easy and fun. As a long time, teacher of all ages I suggest, particularly with young children, using only one section at a time. Make the teaching fun and don’t be afraid to use the internet to enhance your teaching but always use caution when using it by keeping your children supervised.