My Children’s Christian Education, What Should I Do?: A Christian Educator’s Analysis & Advice

A Christian parent’s primary responsibility to their children is to educate them in God’s Word. My purpose is to help Christian parents understand the state of education in the US today and help them make the right decisions for their children.  I’ll show the Biblical Mandate to educate your children and give you an organized method to implement it by explaining ALL the educational options available in the US today. You know your own family situation so you must choose which of the options is best to educate your children.
One of the most serious problems Christian parents face in the US today is the potential loss of their children’s faith when they leave home to go to work or attend college. I’ve had many parents call me and say: “My son/daughter just came back from a semester or a year away and told me: ‘Mom, Dad I don’t believe in that Jesus stuff anymore.'” For parents, this is heart-rending. The first question parents ask is: “Why?” Ken Ham and others have written that the students did not have a firm foundation in WHY they believed what they believed. Their education spent little or no time on Christian Apologetics. As early as the 1970s Francis Schaefer saw this Christian problem. 

One of the most serious problems Christian parents face in the US today is the potential loss of their children’s faith when they leave home to go to work or attend college.  I’ve had many parents call me and say: “My son/daughter just came back from a semester or a year away and told me: ‘Mom, Dad I don’t believe in that Jesus stuff anymore.'”  For parents, this is heart-rending.  The first question parents ask is: “Why?”  Ken Ham and many others have written extensively on this topic, and the answer that comes up most is that the student did not have a firm foundation in WHY they believed what they believed.  Their education spent little or no time on Christian Apologetics. As early as the 1970s Francis Schaefer saw this problem of the lack of apologetic education for youth.

A Christian parent’s primary responsibility to their children is to educate them in God’s Word. This books purpose is to help Christian parents understand the state of education in the US today and help them make the right decisions for their children

This book shows the Biblical Mandate to educate your children and gives you an organized method to implement it by explaining ALL the educational options available in the US today.  You know your own family situation so you must choose which of the options is best to educate your children.  I have taught at a Community College for more than ten years, and I’ve seen many public high school graduates come to college that:

can only read at a fourth-grade level,

can’t do simple math with things like fractions or percentages,

don’t know how to express themselves in writing,

don’t know how to express themselves in speech,

have a sixth-grade vocabulary,

AND have little to NO critical thinking skills. 

If that’s not enough of public school failure, they almost never have the ability to plan work or manage their time.  Many are overwhelmed by the work assignments from the first day of class.  A great many spend one or two semesters taking remedial work in writing, reading and math BEFORE they can begin curriculum studies.