Roman Centurions’ Stories

This book is a work of Creative Historical Non-Fiction.  Events of Jesus’ life are historically accurate, quoted directly, without revision, from the World English Version (Public Domain).

The Centurions stories are fictional, embellished with details to enhance readability, and created as a vehicle to tell of Jesus’ life.This book is made as a tool for personal evangelism for family, friends, and acquaintances.  The Centurion pictures are the author dressed to role play Greek-born Senior Centurion Karis Keynay Populous. 

I originally wrote the Senior Centurion Karis monologue as a role-play to use with my Centurion costume to present the Gospel.  After one of my many church performances, a 12-year-old asked me: “If the Romans saw all the things Jesus did why didn’t they all become Christians?”   I have pondered that question for years and now, I wrote this book to show the life of Jesus from the viewpoint of Roman centurions.  I have added details about the Centurions not from Scripture to fully develop storylines.  The incidents from Jesus’ life taken from Scripture are quoted directly from the World English Bible (WEB – Public Domain).  

The Centurion stories are introduced by Senior Officer Karis Keynay Populous, commander of a Cohort (700-800 soldiers) of the Roman Army occupying Judea. During a meal with his six Centurions, he asks each one what he knows about Jesus.  The six Centurions tell their stories taken from Scripture which is printed in italics to separate the story of Jesus from the fictional Centurion narrative.  

1) Centurion Marcus in Bethlehem in 2 BC tells of Jesus’ birth.

2) Centurion Dimitri, Maximus’ older brother, in 2 BC saw Jesus presented in the Jewish Jerusalem Temple.

3) Centurion Lucius’ brother Cassius was at the Eastern Judean border in 1AD when the Magi arrived on their journey to Jerusalem.   

4) Centurion Maximus in Jerusalem in 1 AD  saw the arrival of the Magi and about 10 years later tells of 12-year-old Jesus in the Temple as seen by his brother-in-law Zachariah a Jewish priest. 

5) Centurion Gaius’ servant was healed by Jesus.

6) Centurion Julius traveled among the Jews in Judea as a spy to uncover Zealot plots. He followed Jesus for three years (30-32 AD), witnessing: the Sermon on the Mount, Feeding 5,000, Woes to Scribes and Pharisees and the Raising Lazarus. 

Senior Centurion Karis continues his story as he witnesses Jesus death, resurrection and then later hears Peter preaching in the Temple and becomes a believer in Christ and is then executed by Pilate.  His scribe writes a Postscript to his life.

The Appendices included to amplify  the stories are;

1) Magi, Three Wise Men

2) The Raising of Lazarus from the Grave

3) Crucifixion from Wikipedia in the Roman world.

4) Your Evangelism Strategy from; Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  A Former Atheist’s Personal Christian Evangelism Plan By Charlie Liebert

5) About the Author includes; Charlie Liebert’s: biography, careers, Christian testimony, and a list of books he’s written.