Tales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, & a Jew (Liebert Family History)

ForTales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, a Curse, a Ghost and a Jew”  I’ve edited my published family history“Liebert Annals in Deutschland, Our German Family History.”  by removing specific details that are of little to no interest to non-family.  Included are three stories about our German roots that were published on Kindle. Where necessary, I’ve created details to provide continuity to the plots. This book is based on real events and classified creative historical nonfiction containing these five stories.

Helene at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for Girls.

Pranks by Eva, and Rosemarie (Excerpt from “Liebert Annals in Deutschland”)

The Curse of the Witch of Zahlendorf. (Kindle eBook ONLY)

Tales of Curses and Ghosts (From The Curse of the Witch of Zahlendorf)

Rosemarie, Kristallnacht Transformation.