Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!

In bearing testimony for Christ, I’m often asked: “Do you believe in Evolution?” I answer: “No I don’t!” Then, I get responses like: “Why not, it’s proven by science?” OR “The evidence for it is overwhelming!”  In “Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead!”, I am taking a hard-nosed position to ALL who will listen; “Atheistic Evolution is scientifically impossible because it breaks three scientific LAWS.” 

Evolution is NOT science; it’s a faith statement about the past!  The missing links between apes and men are ALL still missing,  There are some creatures whose behavior, design, or incredible complexity Evolution cannot be explained by natural processes.  The history of Evolution contains many frauds, and I’ll highlight two of them.  How do Evolution proponents address these issues? Denial, rationalization or just plain lying! They can’t answer these problems, and they know it. Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE!” Evolution has damaging effects on our culture and wastes resources that could be used to improve health and living conditions in the US. Millions of tax dollars are spent on evolutionary research that will NEVER bring value to humanity. It’s a waste of resources based on a lie.

Here are three irrefutable arguments showing Evolution’s impossible in a simple, non-technical source that Christians can use in their battle for men’s souls.   Evolution’s greatest failure is the violation of three scientific laws, the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics and the Law of Biogenesis.  I call these three arguments: Magic, Frankenstein, and Uphill Molasses.

Magic:  We’ve all seen the magician pull the rabbit out of the “empty” hat.  That’s an illustration of the violation of the 1st Law, something coming out of nothing.  With the hat or the Universe, it’s either impossible or an illusion but, in any case, it’s not REAL.  Failure ONE

Frankenstein: In Mary Shelley’s novel, Dr. Frankenstein takes parts of dead men, assembles the parts and produces a living man.  It’s a great story but we all know it’s fiction, yet Evolution would have us believe it happened.  Failure TWO

Uphill Molasses:  The 2nd Law establishes the Universe is irreversibly running down after being “wound up” at the beginning.  Evolution is the opposite of this process.  It advances to more complexity, more diversity and new “higher” life forms.  Molasses don’t flow uphill and neither can Evolution. 

Other arguments include missing-missing links, biological complex creatures, Evolution frauds, and complex “natural” processes.  Richard Dawkins said. “Evolution has been observed.  It’s just that it hasn’t been observed when it’s happening.”  Failure THREE

Chapters 5-6 analyze WHY Non-Christians MUST cling to believing in Evolution,  Finally, we’ll look at terrible costs it has on our culture.  Truly Science proves Evolution’s IMPOSSIBLE!

By now it should be obvious to the reader that Atheistic Evolution is impossible, NOT improbable, IMPOSSIBLE. It has to break three scientific laws. All the “missing links” are still missing. It has to defy logic in the design of living organisms. It has to invent information without intelligence. But the real issue is the book of Roman’s problem. “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.”

Richard Dawkins made this foolishness clear when he said: “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in Evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).”  Ironically, his wickedness is invigorated by his evolutionary beliefs as we saw in his recent endorsement of mild pedophilia.   

Men will continue to believe in Evolution because Atheists have no alternative when they reject God, the Creator. As Evolution continues to fall apart scientifically, they will become more and more desperate, but there is nowhere else for the Atheist to go. They are stuck with Evolution! Their desperation will increase as science makes more discoveries that challenge their theory.

Use the information in this book to engage the world in your personal Christian evangelism.

Don’t have a plan?  See: “Always Be Ready To Give An ANSWER.”

Need answers to those hard questions? See: “ANSWER For: ‘The Hope That Is In You.”

God bless you all, Charlie Liebert